🎁 StoneX | Trade Execution Associate

  • Link: Trade Execution Associate from StoneX

  • Dates: All year 2023
  • Job location: Des Moines, USA.
  • Job description: Book physical trades directly with producers and end users of commodities under trade finance or pricing programs. Prepare documentation for transactions. Gather documentation related to the collateral. Interact with counter-parties to coordinate positions on hedges of physical commodities and make sure those hedges are compliant. Confirm contract, accounts receivable and mark to market reporting being used by commercial, risk,accounting and management departments are accurate. Monitor trade limits and receivable limits and communicate with commercial, risk and management departments daily to ensure trades remain within established credit thresholds. Reconcile daily and monthly Profit and Loss. Build and maintain a close relationship with partners. Ensure inventory, shipment and payment information gets entered into the system. Assemble required documentation. Monitor accounts receivable, payment of accounts payable and positions with accounting and risk departments. Evaluate and identify current or potential risks to the portfolio. Help to implement policies and procedures to mitigate those risks. Help develop technology and test beta versions to improve processes and efficiency for the physical commodity trade flow.