🎁 LiteForex | “Show your worth” contest

  • Link: “Show your worth” contest from LiteForex

  • Dates: till November 1, 2020
  • Available to: All traders, but is direct at video bloggers, mainly.

  • To participate: Register to the contest. Upload a video to your YouTube channel where you show a lesson, a forecast or a review. You must mention LiteForex at least twice and the video must create a good impression of the company. The video must last 5 minutes or more and you should use the tag #LiteForex. The blogger must register as a partner as well and post his/her link.

  • Prizes: There’s a $100 USD prize drawn among all participants.
    The participant with the best result in terms of popularity will get $100 USD.
    The participant with the best results according to the jury can get a 3-year contract with LiteForex.
  • How to get: The drawn prizes will be chosen in a raffle. The jury result is determined by their own criteria. The popularity index will be determined as follows: I = V*0.01 + K*0.5 + L*0.5, where V = number of views, K = number of comments and L = number of likes.

  • Withdrawal: Yes.


It's your turn:
Enter the characters shown in the image.