🎁 Swissquote | FX Trader

  • Link: FX Trader from Swissquote

  • Dates: All year 2023
  • Job location: Gland, Switzerland.
  • Job description: Quote and Execute clients’ spot, forward and options orders in FX, Precious Metals, Commodity Futures, Index Futures, and Stocks CFDs. Monitor electronic pricing & trading systems, trade flow, liquidity. Manage Banks positions with Prime Brokers and improve financing conditions in collaboration with the treasury department. Liaise with internal stakeholders such as risk, distribution, development, project, and IT departments to improve the services and the profitability of the bank. Maintain relationships with external parties such as liquidity providers and prime brokers. Follow market news, events, and identify risks & opportunities. Report statistics around execution, trade flow, liquidity, risk & profitability.