🎁 IG Markets | Dealer

  • Link:Dealer from IG Markets

  • Dates: All year 2023
  • Job location: Limassol, Cyprus.
  • Job description: Price construction for Turbo Certificates. Monitor liquidity and prices that Brightpool is offering across multiple products and asset classes on a European MTF. Keep up-to-date with the latest local and EU legislation, rules and best practice with regard to risk management, market making and dealing. Monitor and hedge company level exposures according to established rules and guidelines. Prepare, analyze and submit various reports to the senior management. Monitor product specifications are in line with MTF rulebook and/or relevant regulations. Monitor transaction reporting and ensure regulatory compliance (MiFID, EMIR). Monitor issuance, redemptions, Knockouts of products. Perform competitors analysis and market research if required. Keep up to date with the markets and be informed on economic events, market holidays and arrange for any adjustments on the financial instruments. Use all reporting tools to take actions or make suggestions for improvements where possible.